Friday, 15 July 2016

2016 FAL Q3 Proposed Finishes

I am looking forward to taking part again in Quarter 3 though I am going to try and be realistic with my list.

1.  This quilt-as-you go baby quilt is progressing along well and I hope to finish it.

2. Two pillowcases for Isabelle with the Frozen theme and a ballet theme.

3. Quilt this finished quilt top.

4. Complete an up-cycled jacket for a competition.  I haven't got a picture for this as it is in the design stage in my head at the moment.

5. Lucky last.  I had made a lot of progress on this but got stuck and put it away.  I will look at it again when I complete the others.

Looking forward to the next three months and then seeing everyone's finishes.



I love to hear from you and appreciate your comments :)